Welcome to National Oil Corporation of Kenya

The National Oil Corporation of Kenya is a fully integrated State Corporation involved in all aspects of the petroleum supply chain covering the upstream oil and gas exploration, midstream petroleum infrastructure development and downstream marketing of petroleum products.………read more

National Oil Latest News

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National Oil Corporation of Kenya Limited (NOC) is a wholly owned (100%) State Corporation incorporated in April 1981 under the Companies Act, Cap 486 of the Laws of Kenya (now repealed and replaced by Companies Act No. 17 of 2015) … Read More

Kiraitu takes over as National Oil Corporation chairman, promises turnaround
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Kenya needs to produce its own oil in order to cushion itself from external shocks, National Oil chairman and former Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi has said. Mr Murungi said external pressures such as the dollar volatility and conflicts will always … Read More

A new Board takes over National Oil to spearhead turnaround
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Industry icon Eng. Patrick Obath was appointed by H. E President Uhuru Kenyatta to lead a new-look National Oil Corporation of Kenya Board in October 2021.  Engineer Obath has wide experience in management at the national and international level in … Read More

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