The Board of Directors oversees the strategic management and growth of the Corporation.

National Oil Board of Directors meets regularly to deliberate on various strategic business activities including business expansion, marketing, human resource development, finance, and others as they emerge.

The National Oil Board of Directors is appointed by the Cabinet Secretary for Petroleum and Mining in accordance with the State Corporations Act and is eligible to serve for a 3-year renewable term. The Chairman is appointed by the President of the Republic.

Here are the current National Oil Board Members:

Kiraitu Murungi E.G.H – Chairman

Kiraitu Murungi is a former Governor of Meru County. He previously served as Senator for Meru and was MP for Imenti South constituency for 20 years.

One of the longest-serving Energy ministers, Mr Murungi issued several notices and circulars that helped reform the sector. They include Legal Notice No. 43 of 2008 which issued regulations guiding the establishment of the strategic petroleum reserves that required the National Oil Corporation to establish and manage reserves equivalent to 90-day consumption for the country.

He also issued Legal Notice No. 96 of June 2010 which set aside a 30 percent petroleum imports allocation quota for the Corporation.

It was also during Mr Murungi’s tenure that oil was discovered in Turkana and the ministry attributed the State’s 22.5 percent share in carried interest in the production sharing contract to National Oil.

An alumnus of the prestigious Alliance High School, Murungi graduated with a Bachelor of Law from the University of Nairobi in 1977 and attained a Master of Law from the same university in 1982 before proceeding to Harvard Law School, where he attained another Master of Law.

Mr. Murungi was a partner in a law firm he founded with Gibson Kamau Kuria and Aaron Ringera, where he practiced law for ten years before beginning his illustrious and eventful political career. 


Prof Njuguna Ndung’u CBS – CS, National Treasury

Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u is the Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury & Economic Planning. He was appointed Cabinet Secretary by President William Samoei Ruto on September 27, 2022. Prior to the current appointment, Prof. Ndung’u was serving as the Executive Director of the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), a Pan African premier capacity building network of researchers, trainers, students, universities, policy makers and international resource persons. He is an associate professor of economics at the University of Nairobi, Kenya and the immediate former Governor, Central Bank of Kenya.

Prof. Ndung’u has been a member of the Global Advisory Council of the World Economic Forum, Visiting Fellow of Practice at Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University, Director of Training at AERC, Program specialist at IDRC and Team Leader in Macro-modelling at the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis.  He holds a PhD in economics from University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He is a Member of Brookings Africa Growth Initiative, Member of the Advisory Committee of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, that coordinates financial inclusion policies in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and Senior Advisor for the UNCDF-based Better Than Cash Alliance.

Dr. Mohamed Liban – PS, State Department of Petroleum

Dr. Mohamed Liban is the Principal Secretary, State Department for Petroleum, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Liban served as the Chairman of Ewaso Ngi’ro North Development Authority, of the Ministry of East African Community and Regional Development and previously of IEBC as the Regional Elections Co-ordinator in Isiolo and Upper Easter Region. His wealth of experience in leadership and governance spans to a period of over twenty-five (25) years, gained after lengthy engagements with both the Public Sectors and Non-Governmental Organizations in Africa.

Leparan Gideon ole Morintat – Chief Executive Officer


Leparan Gideon Morintat is the CEO & MD of the National Oil Corporation of Kenya (NOC Kenya)
Mr. Leparan Gideon ole Morintat joined the National Oil Corporation of Kenya, the state-owned Oil & Gas company as CEO & MD in March 2020. Prior to joining the Corporation, Leparan was d. Light SOLAR’s Country Manager for Ethiopia and Horn of Africa where he managed the renewable energy company operations in Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, South Sudan, and Eritrea.

He has more than 17 years of leadership and management experience in Oil & Gas, Energy, Infrastructure projects development, and ICT industries gained in leading multinational companies among them MultiChoice Africa where he served as the Regional Franchises & Agencies Manager East Africa & the Indian Ocean Islands; Mitsui & Co. Ltd, where he lead the Energy & Infrastructure Projects Development business units for the Japanese global conglomerate in Eastern Africa; the Royal Dutch Shell Group where he served in various mid-level management roles; and Equity Bank Group.

Leparan holds an MBA in Strategic Management from United States International University (USIU-Africa) and a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) Degree from Daystar University.

Mr Morintat sits on the board of the Petroleum Institute of East Africa (PIEA) and is a member of the Kenya Institute of Management (KIM), the Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK), the Kenya Institute of Supplies Management (KISM) and Kenya Oil & Gas Association (KOGA).

Mr. Edward Wamweya – Alt. CS, Treasury

Mr. Edward Wamweya is a board member at the National Oil Corporation of Kenya and a representative of the Treasury. He is a professional Accountant & Financial analyst with a wealth of experience in public-sector financial management. Mr. Wamweya is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Finance

Ms. Lilian Matagaro – Alt. Attorney General

Ms. Lilian Matagaro is the current Deputy Chief Parliamentary Counsel and the Parliamentary Liaison Officer at the Office of the Attorney General& Department of Justice. She sits at the National Oil Corporation of Kenya board as a representative of the Attorney General’s Office.

Lilian is a registration committee member at the Institute of Human Resource Management

She holds an M.A in International Studies and has vast experience in policy development and drafting of legislative instruments.

Mr. Apollo Muchilwa Alt. PS. State Department for Petroleum

Mr. Apollo Muchilwa is a Board member at the National Oil Corporation of Kenya and Alternate representative of the Principal Secretary, at the State Department for Petroleum, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum. He is currently the Director of ICT, at the State Department for Petroleum.  His wealth of experience in leadership and governance in ICT spans over twenty-seven (27) years in the public sector. Before his appointment, he served in the State Department for Mining, the Ministry of Health, and the East African Community in the same capacity. He is a member of the Computer Society of Kenya.

Ms. Dorothy Z. Marami- Director

Dorothy is the Lead Consultant with Prolific Solutions, a consultancy firm that provides Supply Chain Management solutions to both the Private and Public sectors.

Dorothy has 20+ years of experience in the Oil and Energy sector having worked for a multinational oil company (Chevron Kenya Limited) where she was responsible for the East Africa Supply Optimization Group. Her area of expertise spans crude oil and product trading, refining and distribution, contract negotiation, export marketing and overall enterprise approach to business. 

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree (Maths and Chemistry) and an MBA in Marketing and Strategic Management from the University of Nairobi.

Dorothy has previously sat on the Boards of Kenya Petroleum Refineries Limited and Petroleum Institute of East Africa and is currently a Director of Zenith Ventures Limited, a property development company.  

Mr. Godfrey Waluse – Director

Godfrey Waluse is a global executive with over 25 years of experience in energy, power, infrastructure, and financial services. Godfrey has managed complex global operations with specific expertise in project development in high-risk environments. He has worked in various capacities at Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA); the Secretary-General’s office at the United Nations Office in New York, the World Bank in Washington D.C., and at the Standard Bank in Johannesburg, South Africa where he was a strategic advisor on continental initiatives and investments to the bank’s executives.

Godfrey works for Mitsui & Co. Ltd where he has overseen several projects from Tokyo such as the development of Mozambique LNG and was also based in London where he oversaw the development of renewable energy projects. He is currently based in Nairobi where he helps run the East Africa operations with active involvement in developing power, oil & gas, infrastructure, renewable energy, healthcare and ICT projects, among others.

Godfrey holds a business degree in finance from USIU in Nairobi, Kenya, Master’s degree in Public Policy from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Boston. He also holds an MBA from the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and is a member of the Institute of Directors (Kenya).

Ms. Victoria Karugu- Director 

Victoria Karugu is an Attorney at Law with over 25 years of experience in Corporate Litigation, Environmental, Telecommunications, and Energy Law. She has led teams of multidisciplinary professionals on local and international assignments. Her forte is leveraging good governance and technology when working in a fast-paced business environment. She has previously held senior leadership positions in the United States (Denver, Anchorage and Houston) and in Kenya. She is currently the Group CEO, Mathara Holdings Limited, and sits on the board of NOCK as an independent director.

Victoria holds a BA in Political Science and an MA in History from Miami University Oxford Ohio, and she took MBA courses in Telecommunications and International Marketing from Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage. She also holds a Juris Doctorate from the University of Kentucky and an LLM in Environmental, Energy, and Natural Resource Law from the University of Houston Law Centre. She is currently a Doctoral candidate, a DBA in Leadership and Management, and is expected to graduate in December 2023.


Sureya Ali Roble – Director

Sureya Roble is a gender and public policy specialist as well as a certified mediator accredited by the judiciary with over 30 years’ experience in community development, project management, training, lobbying and advocacy on issues affecting women and girls.

She is the founder of Advocacy for women in peace and security –Africa (AWAPSA) an organization that supports women through empowering and capacity. Sureya has also been the National vice chairperson of the Maendeleo ya wanawake organization, a giant women’s movement in Kenya that empowers women politically, socially and economically. At regional level she is the vice chairperson of sisters without borders a network of women led organizations which operates within the East Africa Region to support and strengthen women organizations capacity on matters of peace and security.  She currently runs a program that engages women to play a role in countering violent extremism through dialogue, mentorship, rehabilitation & re-integration and lobbying for women’s space on the decision making table within the national and county government. 

 Sureya is passionate about raising the voice of women development agenda and strongly believes in women leadership to drive public sector development for good governance which has enabled her present various papers both locally and at the international platform which includes a joint report on article 16 for Kenya on Muslim family law and women rights which was adopted at 68 sessions by the CEDAW Committee for implementation. Sureya holds an MBA in public policy, a bachelor’s degree in Public administration and political science.

Mr. Mundia Gateria- Director 

Mr. Mundia Geteria is member and director at the National Oil Board. He has over 35 years experience in the business space with various investments in the tertiary training and education sector. Mundia is the founder of Dima College Ltd and currently runs Dima Driving School with branches in Runyenjes, Embu Town and Nairobi. Mr. Mundia has served in several senior leadership positions including CEO and Board Secretary of the Institute of Certified Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK), Board Member of the Institute of Certified Secretaries (ICS), and Company Secretary of the Kenya Extelcoms among others.

He is the pioneer Chair of the Embu County Public Service Board and currently serves as the Chair of the Trustees of the Public Service Club Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme. He is a Certified Retirement Benefits Trustee (Kenya College of Insurance) and a Court Accredited Mediator.

Mr. Mundia holds a Master of Business Administration- MBA Strategic Management from Moi University.


Amina Bille Olwo- Director 

Amina Bille is a dedicated and experienced professional with a diverse background in banking and finance. She possesses a Diploma in Professional Computing and Data Processing alongside several certifications in banking and leadership courses. With over a decade of experience working at Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB), she has served in various capacities including Bank Clerk, Ag. Cash Manager, and participated in mentorship programs. Amina’s commitment to excellence is evident through her continuous pursuit of professional development and her passion for community service, as demonstrated by her multiple awards as the KCB Community Champion. She is fluent in multiple languages including Somali, Borana, Kiswahili, and English, which allows her to effectively communicate and engage with diverse stakeholders. Amina’s enthusiasm for banking is evident in her extensive work history and her proactive participation in training programs and courses related to the field.

It’s clear from Amina’s extensive work history, dedication to professional development, and passion for community service that she has a strong affinity for the banking sector. Her long-term employment at Kenya Commercial Bank, coupled with her participation in various banking-related courses and her achievements within the organization, showcases her commitment to the industry.


Hon. Magerer Lang’at JK

MBA in Strategic Management from Kenya Methodist University;

BSC. Horticulture- Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)

Born 1973, Hon. Magerer Langat JK, is a seasoned leader with a diverse background. He has a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) and an MBA in Strategic Management at Kenya Methodist University.

Hon. Magerer’s professional experience spans roles at the Adventist Development Relief Agency, World Food Programme, Cooper Kenya Ltd, and Osho Chemical Industries, among others. He was elected as the Member of Parliament for Kipkelion Constituency in 2007. He has served as an Assistant Minister for Energy from 2010 to 2013, demonstrating leadership in the Petroleum and Electricity & Power Generation dockets.

He has served as a member of the National Steering Committee on Tea Reforms between November 2020 to November 2021, where he played a crucial role in evaluating policy, regulatory, and administrative aspects of the tea value chain. From 2018 to 2020, Hon. Magerer served as a Member of the Kericho Municipal Board, exercising delegated authority from the CEC, where he played crucial roles of formulating and implementing policies, entering contracts, and managing internal affairs, including budget preparation and submission to the County Treasury.

He joined NOC as an independent director and board member with effect from 15th December 2023.